Production Cost Report | Packaging

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Masterbatch Production Cost Breakup By Compounding Method

Details: Germany - based plant Q2 2024  | From $ USD

This report proffers the thorough economics of masterbatch production by compounding method. The preparation of masterbatch begins by processing different plastic additives and colorants altogether. Initially, components such as carrier resins, pigments, plastic fillers, colorants, and other additives are added to a container or a twin-screw extruder. The mixture is heated, forming a molten liquid, and then cooled down to be processed and cut into small granules. These small granules are then washed and dried, producing masterbatch as the final product.

Top Producers of Masterbatch

  • Tosaf Compounds Ltd.
  • Cabot Corporation
  • CONSTAB Polyolefin Additives GmbH
  • Avient Corporation

Feedstock for Masterbatch

Masterbatch is a plastic product produced in the form of small granules by using resins, colorants, and plastic pigments as its major feedstock. The procurement of masterbatch is majorly dependent upon some of the vital factors, including the production cost of the raw materials (such as plastic additives, colorant, carrier resins, etc.), variations in its market prices, sustainability, and environmental concerns and demand from the plastic and polymer industries. Additionally, other prominent factors such as the stability in the supply chain, trade, transportation activities, logistics, and governmental policies largely govern its procurement in the global market.

The project economic analysis provided in the report discusses a Germany-based plant:

  • Manufacturing Process
    • Process Flow
    • Material Flow
    • Material Balance
  • Raw Material and Product's Specifications
    • Raw Material Consumption
    • Product and Co-Product Generation
    • Capital Investment
  • Land and Site Cost
    • Offsites/Civil Works
    • Equipment Cost
    • Auxiliary Equipment Cost
    • Contingency
    • Engineering and Consulting Charges
    • Working Capital
  • Variable Cost
    • Raw Material
    • Utilities
  • Fixed Cost
    • Labor Requirement & Wages
    • Overhead Expenses
    • Maintenance Charges
  • Financing Costs
    • Interest on Working Capital
    • Interest on Loans
  • Depreciation Charges
  • General Sales and Admin Costs
  • Production Cost Summary
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Report Content

Key Process Information

Evaluation of significant technical parameters along with process descriptions such as:

  • Consumption of Raw Material
  • Product Creation
  • Block Flow Diagram
  • Description of the Manufacturing Facility

Utilities Consumption

Evaluation of utilities consumed during the entire process based on:

  • Consumption per unit of product generated
  • Utility cost split and share of each utility in the total cost

Process Flow Diagram

Representation of various operations involved including:

  • Step-wise process
  • Utility consumption in each operation

Capital Cost Analysis

In-depth analysis of costs involved in setting up a new manufacturing unit, including:

  • Cost of Building a Process Unit
  • Cost of Setting Up the Infrastructure
  • Working Capital
  • Commissioning & Start-Up of the Plant

Implementation Schedule

Time frame of the project design, which includes:

  • Plant Start-Up
  • Plant Construction
  • Engineering Fundamentals
  • Raw Material Procurement

Construction Cost Details

Detailed analysis of costs involved in the operation of various functional units in the process unit and infrastructure.

Operating Cost Analysis

Evaluation of costs associated with the production of the final product, namely:

  • Procurement of Raw Materials
  • Consumption of Utilities
  • Fixed Costs
  • Depreciation

Economic Analysis

Analysis of the way in which process economics are impacted by plant capacity.

  • Construction Cost
  • Working Capital
  • Fixed and Variable Operating Costs
  • Corporate Overhead
  • Depreciation

Customized Analyses

Detailed cost estimates of any industrial plant depending on your requirements, including plant capacity and location as per the need.

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