ADNOC Collaborates with Santos to chase Global CCS platforms aiming towards Net Zero Goals
ADNOC, a well-known oil and gas company in UAE, has recently signed an agreement with an Australian oil and gas firm, Santos. This collaboration aims to establish a global carbon management platform that will ultimately benefit the Net Zero Goals.
Some of the main agendas of this agreement include establishing potential collaborations on carbon capture technology, finding innovative solutions for shipping and transporting CO2, and setting up global CCS projects. The strategic collaboration agreement (SCA) would leverage the carbon management partnerships and technologies to accelerate the company’s decarbonization plans.
Moreover, the SCA enables the company to work together and find solutions to advance critical carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. CCS technologies are crucial to accelerate the process of decarbonization of industry worldwide. The companies are looking forward to exploring the development of CO2 shipment and transportation infrastructure networks. This will enable the heavy-emitting sectors to capture, ship, and permanently store the gas.
The Executive Director of ADNOC, Musabbeh Al Kaabi, stated that the company continues to build itself as a pioneer in safely capturing and permanently storing carbon dioxide. He also stated that the company aims to achieve a net zero by 2045 and targets a CCS capacity of around 10 million tonnes per annum (mmtpa) by the year 2030. He also mentions that the partnership with Santos focuses on scaling up the carbon management technologies while combining the expertise of the two firms in safely capturing and storing carbon and helping markets in Asia-Pacific decarbonization.
According to Alan Stuart-Grant, the Energy Solutions Executive Vice President of Santos, there is a requirement to scale up CCS and meet the world’s climate objectives. As both companies have the required technology, knowledge, and infrastructure that can be utilized to deliver low-cost CCS and low-carbon energy competitively on a global scale, the collaboration, thus, aims to support the transition towards a low-carbon future that can be reliable and affordable.
ADNOC is engaged and operates the Al Reyadah facility, which can process around 800,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum. It has recently announced one of the most significant carbon capture projects set up in the Middle East and North Africa regions at Habshan facilities. It has also announced a carbon capture project at its Hail and Ghasha offshore development, taking steps towards the committed investment for carbon capture capacity to almost 4mtpa.
According to Procurement Resource, ADNOC and Santos have developed a strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) that focuses on developing a global carbon management platform. This initiative by both firms aims towards leveraging carbon management technologies while safely transporting, capturing, and storing carbon to help the markets in Asia-Pacific Decarbonization. The companies are collaborating to combine their expertise and experience and work towards global carbon management and ultimately achieve the net zero goals.